Wow - Yes, this is a lot of gemstone info so we have tried to table it as clearly as possible for you!
Below you will find information on the following:
- Birthstones and their history
- Zodiac Gemstones (most popular and alternative)
- Monthly Birthstones
- Anniversary Stones/ Gifts
- Day Stones
- Indian Planetary Gemmology
- Meaning of certain Gem Stones
- Chakra Stones
- Healing Stones
- Gem & Associated Healing Powers
- Illness related to healing gemstone
- The importance of colour and its symbolism in gems
- Personal representations and interpretations
- Acrostics formed with stones
- Gems of Countries
Annika Rutlin has a wonderful collection specifically designed around gemstones and their representational powers: Why not check it out The Kindred Collection?
Birthstones and their history:
The Western birthstone system originates from the writings of Josephus (1st century AD) and St. Jerome (5th century AD). Both trace the custom to the gems of the Hebrew High Priest’s Breastplate – the Breastplate of Aaron: a ceremonial religious garment set with twelve gemstones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel and also corresponded with the twelve signs of the zodiac and the twelve months of the year.
Over time, the birthstone custom faded, only to be revived again in Poland in the 15th or 16th century. Birthstones are a fascinating aspect of the gem and jewellery world, and are derived from early beliefs regarding the time of one’s birth and its relationship to the planets. A wonderful array of powers has also been associated with gemstones through the ages. Wearing a certain stone as protection against illness and misfortune, or another gem for good luck, eventually developed into the birthstone systems of today.
Originally everyone may have worn the birthstone for each month, since the powers of the gemstone were heightened during its month. If that is true, to get the full effect, you need to go out and get a full set of twelve and rotate them each month.
Because ancient people did not always classify gemstones by mineral species like we do, there is some debate about which gemstones were set in the breastplate and why. Because of this, different cultures around the world have developed different birth stone lists and the modern day list is simply the most recent version. Some also argue that the proper way to assign gemstones is according to astrological sign and not month. We think it is more fun to choose the gemstone that speaks to you from all the possibilities.
Zodiac Gemstones (most popular and alternative)
Capricorn: 22nd December – 20th January:
Ruby – a Capricorn who has ever worn a ruby will never know trouble
(or Hematite)
Aquarius: 21st January – 21st February:
Garnet - believed to guarantee true friendship when worn by an Aquarian
(or Opal)
Pisces: 22nd February – 21st March:
Amethyst – believed to protect a Pisces wearer from extremes of passion
(or Labradorite)
Aries: 22nd March – 20th April:
Bloodstone – believed to endow an Aries wearer with wisdom
(or Red Jasper)
Taurus: 21st April – 20th April:
Sapphire – believed to protect from and cure mental disorders if worn by Taurian
(or Rose Quartz)
Gemini: 22nd May – 21st June:
Agate – long life, health, and wealth were guaranteed to a Gemini if an agate ring was worn
(or Tiger’s Eye)
Cancer: 22nd June – 22nd July:
Emerald - eternal joy was guaranteed to a Cancer who took an emerald along his or her way
(or Aventurine)
Leo: 23rd July – 22nd August:
Onyx - would protect a Leo wearer from loneliness and unhappiness
(or Rock Crystal)
Virgo: 23rd August – 22nd September:
Carnelian – believed to guarantee success in everything a Virgo tried if worn on the hand
(or Citrine)
Libra: 23rd September – 23rd October:
Peridot – would free a Libra wearer from any evil spell
(or Smokey Quartz)
Scorpio: 24th October – 21st November:
Beryl – should be worn by every Scorpio to guarantee protection from ‘tears of sad repentance’
(or Aquamarine)
Sagittarius: 22nd November – 21st December:
Topaz – protects Sagittarians, but only if they are always shown
(or Turquoise)
Monthly Birthstones
January: February:
Modern birthstone: garnet Modern birthstone: amethyst
Ancient traditional birthstones: Ancient traditional birthstones:
Hebrew: garnet Hebrew: amethyst
Roman: garnet Roman: amethyst
Arabic: garnet Arabic: amethyst
Hindu: serpent-stone Hindu: chandrakanta
Polish: garnet Polish: amethyst
Guardian angel: Gabriel Guardian Angel: Barchiel
His talismanic stone: onyx His talismanic stone: jasper
March: April:
Modern birthstone: aquamarine Modern birthstone: diamond
Ancient traditional birthstones: Ancient traditional birthstones
Hebrew: bloodstone Hebrew: sapphire
Roman: bloodstone Roman: sapphire
Arabic: bloodstone Arabic: sapphire
Hindu: gold-sivalinga Hindu: diamond
Polish: bloodstone Polish: diamond
Guardian angel: Malchediel Guardian angel: Ashmodei
His talismanic stone: ruby His talismanic stone: topaz
May: June:
Modern birthstone: emerald Modern birthstone: moonstone or pearl
Ancient traditional birthstones: Ancient traditional birthstones:
Hebrew: agate Hebrew: emerald
Roman: agate Roman: emerald
Arabic: emerald Arabic: agate
Hindu: emerald Hindu: pearl
Polish: emerald Polish: agate
Guardian angel: Amriel Guardian angel: Muriel
His talismanic stone: carbuncle (garnet) His talismanic stone: emerald
July: August:
Modern birthstone: ruby Modern birthstone: peridot
Ancient traditional birthstones: Ancient traditional birthstones:
Hebrew: onyx Hebrew: carnelian
Roman: onyx Roman: carnelian
Arabic: carnelian Arabic: sardonyx
Hindu: sapphire Hindu: ruby
Polish: ruby Polish: sardonyx
Guardian angel: Verchiel Guardian angel: Hamatiel
His talismanic stone: sapphire His talismanic stone: diamond
September: October:
Modern birthstone: sapphire Modern birthstone: opal or tourmaline
Ancient traditional birthstones: Ancient traditional birthstones:
Hebrew: peridot Hebrew: aquamarine
Roman: peridot Roman: aquamarine
Arabic: peridot Arabic: aquamarine
Hindu: zircon Hindu: coral
Polish: peridot Polish: aquamarine
Guardian angel: Tsuriel Guardian angel: Bariel
His talismanic stone: zircon His talismanic stone: agate
November: December:
Modern birthstone: topaz or citrine Modern: turquoise, blue topaz, or tanzanite
Ancient traditional birthstones: Ancient traditional birthstones:
Hebrew: topaz Hebrew: ruby
Roman: topaz Roman: ruby
Arabic: topaz Arabic: ruby
Hindu: cats-eye Hindu: topaz
Polish: topaz Polish: turquoise
Guardian angel: Adnachiel Guardian angel: Humiel
His talismanic stone: amethyst His talismanic stone: aquamarine
Anniversary Stones/ Gifts
Years |
Anniversary Stones |
Traditional |
Modern |
Alt. Modern |
1 |
Gold Jewellery |
[Paper] |
Plastics |
Clocks |
2 |
Garnet |
Cotton |
Cotton/Calico |
China |
3 |
Pearl |
Leather |
Leather |
Crystal / Glass |
4 |
Blue Topaz |
Flowers |
Linen/Silk |
Appliances |
5 |
Sapphire |
[Wood] |
Wood |
Silverware |
6 |
Amethyst |
Candy/ Iron |
Iron |
Wood |
7 |
Onyx |
Copper/ Wool |
Copper/Wool/ Brass |
Desk sets |
8 |
Tourmaline |
Bronze/ Pottery |
Bronze/ Appliances |
Linens |
9 |
Lapis Lazuli |
Pottery/ Willow |
Pottery |
Leather |
10 |
Diamond Jewellery |
[Tin] |
Aluminium |
Diamond |
11 |
Turquoise |
Steel |
Steel |
Jewellery |
12 |
Jade |
Silk/Linen |
Silk/Linen |
Pearl |
13 |
Citrine |
Lace |
Lace |
Textiles/ Fur |
14 |
Opal |
Ivory |
Ivory |
Gold |
15 |
Ruby |
[Crystal] |
Glass |
Watches |
16 |
Peridot |
17 |
Watches |
18 |
Cat's-Eye Chrysoberyl |
19 |
Aquamarine |
20 |
Emerald |
[China] |
China |
Platinum |
21 |
Iolite |
22 |
Spinel |
23 |
Imperial Topaz |
24 |
Tanzanite |
25 [Silver Jubilee] |
Silver |
[Silver] |
Silver |
Silver |
30 |
Pearl |
Pearl |
Pearl |
Pearl |
35 |
Emerald |
Coral |
Coral/Jade |
Jade |
40 |
Ruby |
Ruby |
Ruby/Garnet |
Ruby |
45 |
Sapphire |
Sapphire |
Sapphire |
Sapphire |
50 |
Gold |
[Gold] |
Gold |
Gold |
55 |
Alexandrite |
Emerald |
Emerald/ Turquoise |
Emerald |
60 |
Diamond |
[Diamond] |
Gold |
Diamond |
70 |
Sapphire |
Jubilee |
Sapphire |
75 |
Diamond |
Diamond |
Diamond/Gold |
Diamond |
Day Stones:
Day stones can be considered either for their association with the day upon which you were born:
Day of Birth: Gemstone:
Monday Pearl
Tuesday Ruby
Wednesday Amethyst
Thursday Sapphire
Friday Carnelian
Saturday Turquoise
Sunday Topaz
Or by looking at stones that are considered particularly lucky when worn on certain days, as follows:
Pearls on Monday,
Rubies on Tuesdays,
Sapphires on Wednesdays,
Garnets or red stones on Thursdays,
Emeralds or green stones on Friday,
Diamonds on Saturday
And yellow stones on Sunday
Indian Planetary Gemmology
In ancient India beliefs regarding the planets and their relationships with stones are also found. This has developed into what some today refer to as “planetary gemmology.” In such systems, there are nine planets and nine gems, as shown below. Sometimes jewellery is made using one each of these gems. These are termed navaratna jewels (nava = nine; ratna = jewel).
Meaning of certain Gem Stones:
Agate Protection
Amethyst Sincerity, Peace
Aquamarine Courage, Health
Aventurine Opportunity
Bloodstone Courage
Carnelian Nobility
Citrine Fidelity
Diamond Innocence, Love
Emerald Happiness, Fertility, success
Garnet Constancy, Loyalty
Hematite Invincibility, improved relations
Iolite Artistic creativity
Jasper (Red) Stability, personal independence
Moonstone Health, Longevity
Labradorite Dreams, Goals, Intuition
Opal Hope, Creativity, Achievement
Onyx Self Confidence, Responsibility
Pearl Purity
Peridot Felicity, Protection, married happiness
Rose Quartz Mother Love, Self Worth, Self Acceptance
Ruby Contentment, Nobility, Beauty
Sapphire Wisdom, Calmness, clear thinking, Truth, Sincerity, Faithfulness
Smokey Quartz Endurance
Sodalite Peace, Harmony
Tiger Eye Focus, Insight, Self Discipline, Patience, Determination
Topaz Friendship, Fidelity, True Love, Success in all endeavours
Turquoise Prosperity
Chakra Stones
Ancient Asian texts identify seven main spiritual energy centres around the body called Chakras.
Each is seen as a colour of the rainbow. They pulsate influencing mental, emotional and hormonal balance and well being. Crystals have a vibrational quality that the charkas use to influence the whole body system:
Use the relevant stones to heal and balance your Chakras.
Root Chakra – Primary Colour Red – Red Jasper, Garnet, Rubies
Secondary Black Brown and Grey – Hematite, Onyx
Sacral Chakra – Primary Colour Orange – Carneleon
Secondary shades of Orange
Solar Plexus Chakra – Primary Colour Yellow – Citrine, Topaz
Secondary shades of Yellow to Brown – Tigers Eye, Amber
Heart Chakra – Primary Colour Green – Aventurine / Peridot
Secondary Pink – Rose Quartz, Chinese Flourite
Throat Chakra – Primary Colour Blue – Sodalite
Secondary shades of lighter Blue - Aquamarine or Turquoise
Third Eye Chakra –Primary Colour dark Indigo blue – Iolite
Secondary various shades of dark Blue - Sapphire
Crown Chakra – Primary Colour Violet – Amethyst:
Secondary shades of Purple and Clear and pure White: Quartz
Higher Crown Chakra – Clear – Rock Crystal / Rutilated Quartz
Healing Stones
Many stones have been credited with the power to cure or relieve certain ailments.
The following lists contains some examples recommended to help fight and strengthen against various symptoms, firstly by gemstone and then by illness:
Agate - child birth, infection, indigestion, insomnia, ulcers, sea sickness, chest & lungs, tired eyes, heart trouble
Amethyst - tooth ache, infection, blood sugar imbalance, blood disease, colour blindness, burns, tumours, stomach disorders, intoxification, insomnia, headache
Aquamarine - eye sight, swollen glands, liver disorder, fluid retention, coughs
Aventurine - eye sight, hair problems
Beryl - eye sight, heart trouble, liver disorder, mouth & throat troubles, hiccups
Bloodstone - circulation, bladder trouble, child birth, haemorrhoids, inflammation, piles
Blue Topaz - coldness (to warm), failing eyesight, insomnia, liver disorder, nervousness, stress, loss of sense of taste, increases poor appetite
Carnelian - allergies, pollen, blood poisoning, fever, infection, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, wounds
Citrine - heart , kidney, liver & muscle healer, digestive tract
Diamonds - all brain diseases, pituitary & pineal glands, draws out toxicity, poison remedy, lose of energy, lose of courage
Emerald - all mental illness, circulatory & neurological disorders, eye strain, forgetfulness, infection, inflammation
Garnet - heart trouble, inflammation
Hematite (Heamatite) - bleeding, fever, insomnia, leg cramp
Jasper - bladder trouble, epilepsy
Labradorite - digestion, stress
Lapis Lazuli - consumption, pulmonary, dizziness, hair problems, insomnia, melancholy, labour pains, energy focus for teachers, lecturers and speakers
Moonstone - child birth, consumption, pulmonary, soothes and balances the emotions, encourages inner growth & strength, peace & harmony, digestive aid
Onyx - ear trouble, watery eyes, hair problems, heart trouble, stress, ulceration, helps eliminate negative thinking
Opal - ear trouble, eye sight, fever, infection
Pearl - child birth, digestion, eliminates emotional balances
Peridot - child birth, heart trouble, stress, aids in healing hurt feelings & bruised egos, incurs strength & physical vitality
Rock Crystal - bleeding, diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, to promote lactation, pain
Rose Quartz - lymphatic cancer & circulatory problems, helps the psychologically inflexible, dissipates anger & tension
Ruby - fever, heart trouble, strengthens neurological tissues around the heart, prevents miscarriage, pain
Sapphire - bleeding, boils & skin disorders, insomnia, nervousness, tired eyes
Smokey Quartz - addictions, cancer related diseases, infection, skin, good for hyperactivity & excess energy, grounding
Sunstone – stress
Tigers Eye - asthma, eye sight, fractures, throat troubles
Turquoise - master healer, improved absorption of nutrients, tissue regeneration, rheumatism, throat troubles
Illness gemstone
Ague (periodic fever with shivering) Sapphire
Arthritis Amber
Asthma Amber / Jade
Bad Temper Carnelian / Zircon
Bladder problems Bloodstone, Haematite, Diamond
Blood purification Jade, Lapis Lazuli
Boils Sapphire, Agate
Bone problems Jade
Cataract Sapphire
Catarrh Amber
Chest & Lungs Agate, Amber, Carnelian, Jade
Colic Coral, Rock Crystal
Concentration Aid Carnelian
Communication Sodalite
Depression Lapis Lazuli
Eye strain Emerald, Topaz, Turquoise
Emotional Healing following loss or hurt Rose Quartz
Faintness Hematite, Jet
Hayfever Amber
Headache Amethyst
Haemorrhage Agate, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Garnet, Ruby, Topaz
Incontinence Garnet
Indigestion Agate
Insomnia Agate, Amethyst, Zircon
Intoxification Amethyst
Jet Lag Hematite
Labour pains Lapis Lazuli, Jade
Leg complaints Jade
Liver Amethyst, Jade, Ruby
Lose of appetite Emerald
Lose of courage Diamond, Sapphire
Lose of energy Diamond
Lose of voice Carnelian, Jade
Melancholia Garnet, Lapis, Opal, Topaz
Mental health Ruby, Sapphire
Mental Clarity Cirtrine
Memory Aid Hematite
Nightmares Diamond
Nursing milk Rock Crystal, Malachite
Rheumatism Malachite
Sea sickness Agate
Sexual disorders Ruby
Skin disorders Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire
Sterility Moonstone
Stomach disorders Amethyst, Jade, Malachite
Teething Malachite
Tender gums Agate
Terror Tourmaline
Timidity Lapis Lazuli, Tourmaline
Tired eyes Agate, Topaz, Sapphire
Thyroid Sodalite
Tonsillitis Amber
Tooth ache Amethyst, Jade
Tumours Amethyst, Carnelian
Ulcers Agate, Sapphire, Topaz
Weak Heart Garnet, Malachite
The importance of colour and its symbolism in gems
Due to the wide spectrum of colour available in the gemstone realm, strong associations with specific stones has evolved and also associations of colour with personal attributes. Over time a fairly detailed symbolism developed with widely differing associations depending on the country or situation, gradually altering and developing with the changes and progressions within society and culture.
Yellow On a man, denotes secrecy (appropriate for a silent lover)
On a woman, indicates generosity
White Signifies friendship, integrity, and religious commitment for men
(colourless) Purity, affability, and contemplation for women
Red Worn by a man; indicates command, nobility, lordship, & vengeance
Worn by a woman; pride, haughtiness, and obstinancy
Blue On a man; indicates wisdom and high, magnanimous thoughts
On a woman; jealousy in love, politeness, vigilance
Green For men; signifies joyousness, transitory hope
For women; unfounded ambition, childish delight, and change
Black For men; means gravity, good sense, constancy, and strength
For young women; fickleness and foolishness
But for married women; constant love and perseverance
Violet On a man, signifies sober judgement, industry, and gravity
On a woman; high thoughts and spiritual love
Personal representations and interpretations
Stones can be used in your own personal and creative way, representing your own individual associations.
For example pink rose quartz could be used to symbolize the birth of a girl, or blue aquamarine for a boy.
Maybe a particular stone has a connection with a hobby, the colour of someone’s eyes, a job or particular period of your life.
Alternatively your choice may simply be based on your favourite colours.
The possibilities are endless.
Acrostics formed with stones
In France and England, during the 18th Centuary, jewellery was often set with gems the first letters of which, when combined, formed a motto or expressed a sentiment.
For a truly unique gift why not spell out your own secret message or represent initials using the same method.
Diamond, Emerald, Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Tourmaline.
eg. LOVE
Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Vermeille, Emerald.
Fire-Opal, Onyx, Ruby, Emerald, Verd antique, Essonite, Rubellite
Aquamarine, Morganite, Iolite, Tiger’s Eye, Iolite, Emerald.
Gems of Countries
Some believe that light emanations from the planets or fixed stars, or from the combination of the stars in a zodiacal sign, have a peculiar or greater connection with the fate of one country rather than another, and therefore a characteristic stone has become associated with each country
Arabia……………..Pearl Korea……………………Abalone pearl
Austria…………….Opal Mexico………………….Obsidian
Belgium…………..Crystal Morocco……….………Coral
Bolivia……………..Lapis Lazuli New Zealand…….….Jade
Brazil……………….Tourmaline ( Brazilian Emerald) Norway…………………Carnelian
Burma……………..Ruby Persia…………………..Turquoise
Canada…………….Sodalite Peru………………...…..Emerald
Ceylon……………..Cat’s Eye Philippines………..….Pearl
Chili……………….. Lapis Lazuli Portugal……………….Chrysoberyl
China……………….Jade Roumania……………Amber
Denmark………….Agate Russia………………….Rhodonite
Egypt………………..Peridot Scotland……………...Smokey Quartz
England……………Diamond Servia……………………Coral
France……………..Pearl Siam……………………..Ruby
Germany…………..Amber South Africa…………..Diamond
Greece……………..Sapphire Spain…………………….Emerald
Holland…………….Diamond Sweden…………………Carnelian
Hungary……………Opal Switzerland…………..Rock-Crystal
India………………..Pearl Turkestan……………..Jade
Ireland……………..precious Serpentine Turkey…………………..Turquoise
Italy………………….Coral United States………..Sapphire
Japan……………….Rock-Crystal Uruguay………………..Amethyst
Emerald is considered by many to be the most powerful career stone as it is the stone for Mercury; the planet of business, communication, intelligence, education and intuition. Wearing this green stone is believed to enhance all cognitive faculties such as intellect, memory and learning ability. It is also said to improve wealth and to help clear negative energies, making it especially beneficial for students or those looking for their first job.
Thanks for sharing details information on the gemstone. Are there any gemstone that are use for growth in job and career