Taurus horscope silver pendants from the Talisman Collection
Time 2 stay grounded.
‘’Time 2 stay grounded. Get close to trees. Exhale bs. Enjoy nature. Sit by the water. Remain humble. Relax. We are in Taurus Season’’
Extract from Earth Signs in Taurus season. By Sisi Simon
This poem rang so true to me.
As we approach the end of April, with glorious signs of Spring, I long for an end to the mud, welcome the peace of more tranquil seas and am uplifted by the glorious chorus of hearty bird song….And yes I did hug a tree this morning :)
Taurean Birthstones
Did you know that the birthstone options for Taurus include Sapphire, Emerald, Peridot and Aquamarine?

Sapphire drop earrings on sleepers from the Kindred Collection
Birthstone for the Taurus zodiac sign, Sapphire is long associated with royal status and romance but it can also attach to the purity of the soul
Traditionally associated with a deep blue color, symbolizing heavenly grace, Sapphire is a variety of the mineral corundum, consisting of aluminium oxide (α-Al2O3) with trace amounts of elements such as iron, titanium, chromium, vanadium, or magnesium
Sapphire has been adorned with the robes and ornaments of royalty. Ancient Greek and Rome folklores indicate that blue Sapphire protected the natives from danger and envy in the past.
Kindred fine chain birthstone bracelet options for Taurus, image featuring Emerald, Peridot & Aquamarine.
According to astrology, the Taurus zodiac sign also responds well to Emerald, the modern birthstone for the month of May; ideal for the season as its deep bright greens perfectly reflect the new life and regeneration of nature during spring time.
A beautiful green gem Emerald is part of the Beryl family of gemstones (which also includes Aquamarine and Morganite) and has been mined for around 4,000 years. In Egypt emerald was cut in multiple shapes and used as a talisman in order to ward off evil. Emerald was revered as a holy gemstone by the Incas and Aztecs and was associated with Venus, goddess of love and beauty, by the Romans.
Every Emerald pulled from the earth is undeniably unique. Emerald is one of the few gemstones where the array of inclusions and imperfections (often referred to as ‘jardin’ -the French word for garden) are not only welcomed but often serve as part of the character of each stone, like a distinctive fingerprint, adding to its beauty and making each gem truly one-of-a-kind.
Peridot (chrysolite)
A stunningly uplifting and zingy deep yellowish-green transparent variety of Olivine. Peridot is one of the few gemstones that occurs in only one color, the amount of iron present in peridot giving it its unique color and luster. and gem-quality peridot is rare due to its chemical instability.
Peridot is a natural soother of that Taurus style bull-headed nature and can help to bring a little more flexibility to balance out the stubbornness
Named after the color of sea water, Aquamarine is the blue to blue-green member of the beryl family.
With this strong water connection, Aquamarine invites the wearer to reconnect with the elixir of life washing away toxic feelings to be bright and pure
You will find a variety of jewellery suitable for Taureans on www.annikarutlin.com.
The Taurean horoscope pendants are highly popular or you can choose from the range of Kindred pieces including pendants, earrings, bracelets and rings.
Why not get creative with the composable Kindred pendants using a different stone to represent each member of your family or treasured friends.
Annika Rutlin Kindred birthstone gem pendant featuring Emerald, Sapphire and Aquamarine