One of the most magical days of the year June 21st marks the 2021 Summer Solstice. From time immemorial, the coming of summer's light and warmth has been a time of gladness and celebration.
The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol ("sun") and sistere ("to stand still"), because at the solstices, the Sun's declination appears to "stand still"; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun's daily path (as seen from Earth) pauses at a northern or southern limit before reversing direction.
The current crisis, due to the Covid Pandemic, has created an extended period of almost surreal proportions. For some this time has been one of uncertaintity, fear and difficulty whilst for others a new phase of revaluation, change and questioning. Many have struggled, some prospered, but all have experienced change.
Let's take this date, like the Sun, to pause.... refocus...and define a new course.
Above all let us take inspiration from the Sun... Let us share warmth, enhance life and despite the gravity of the situation (The Sun has an enormous amount of mass, and so it has a lot of gravity) be a positive influence on the environment.
Worshippped by many, if not all, ancient cultures: the Aztecs, the Egyptians, the Druids, the Romans etc. From Africa to Europe knowledge of the solar cycle and calendar would have been used by social leaders as a source of power and wealth, particularly if they could direct the masses on when to sow and when to harvest.
Inspired by the Sun Annika Rutlin's Solstice Collection is a tactile joyful collection of circular silver shapes.
The circle shape in itself is also a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement. Considered by Pythagoras as the most perfect of creative forms, without beginning or end, without sides or corners.
With a wide variety of designs available from earrings to necklaces, bangles to rings and even stick pins, the Annika Rutlin Solstice Collection is a gorgeous collection of sun inspired jewellery that will positively warm you heart with joy!
Visit www.annikarutlin.com for more from the collection
Or email us on info@annikarutlin.com for more info or to commission something special