LUNAR MADNESS with a 24hr flash sale with 20% off the Luna Collection - Annika Rutlin

Lunar Eclipse 31st January 2018

Today's lunar eclipse also marks the end of NASA’s ‘Supermoon Trilogy’ (a triple billing of three super full moons within the space of two months) and will take on a reddish hue during the eclipse – hence it is known as the blood moon.

NASA said: “The January 31 full moon is special for three reasons: it’s the third in a series of ‘supermoons’, when the Moon reaches within 10 percent of its closets distance to Earth in its orbit (known as perigee) it can appear up to 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than usual. 

The celestial event is known as a lunar trifecta, the combination of a super moon, a total lunar eclipse and a blue moon. What is even more unusual about the January 31st blue moon is that it is coupled with a total lunar eclipse for the first time in more than 150 years.

Unfortunately form the United Kingdom the lunar eclipse is not visible, so for people living here whether it is or isn’t a blue moon, this coming full moon will most likely remain grey.”  

The moon has always held inspiration for me and its unusual size and brightness and spurred me to a bit of lunar madness with a flash 24hr 20% discount sale on all pieces from the Lunar Collection.

Luna Collection sterling silver and pearl designer jewellery by Annika Rutlin

The theme behind the Lunar collection is that of the moon’s tidal powers, with the silver shaped pieces representative of waves and the pearls the moon.






Use discount code Fullmoon20 for 20%discount on the Luna Collection...

but hurry as the offer runs out at midnight on the 1st February.


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Meet the Author

Jeweller designer and maker Annika Rutlin has over 30 years at the bench and a wealth of experience creating customer's dream pieces. Her designs are guided by a unique sense of balance and proportion.

Goddess Tara articulated 'Goddess' multi chain necklace WTN51

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