Atomic number 47... What is it and do you love it too? - Annika Rutlin

How could you fail to love something created by Supernovae? As smaller stars explode they produce this greyish white metal we now recognise as silver and from which it is possible to create jewellery that is simply out of this world!

"Native silver" is of course most commonly extracted from the ground, often as a by-product of copper, gold and zinc refining. Soft in nature, it is combined with other metals (usually, but not exclusively, copper) in the proportion of 92.5% silver to 7.5% other metals to create Sterling Silver... hence the hallmark stamp of 925 designating this quality of metal.

The Annika Rutlin's hallmark symbol is a linked AR within a triangular shape, based on the AR logo.

Highly malleable in nature; 31g of silver can be drawn into a wire 2438 metres long! That's just one of the reasons jewellers love to work with this metal.

Silver is also the very best reflector of visible light and when polished reflects 95% of the visible light spectrum. Maybe that's why it was given they symbol Ag (from the Latin Argentium and derived from the Greek word Argyros meaning "Shiny" or "White".

Before the 15th Century BC, silver was actually prised more highly than gold and demanded a more expensive price. Lately it has been discovered to have antimicrobial properties and silver is now used as an antibiotic coating on medical devices and even found in plasters to aid the healing process.I even have some face maks made with silver thread for use in the current Covid situation -A situation that has made many focus more on their physical & mental health.

Maybe we should all treat ourselves to a little more silver in our lives? Jewellery certainly makes me feel mentally happy... Looks like your health-focused resolutions may just have found an excuse to turn into a very enjoyable shopping experience!

With a wide range of styles for both men and women...Browse Annika Rutlin's silver jewellery now.

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Meet the Author

Jeweller designer and maker Annika Rutlin has over 30 years at the bench and a wealth of experience creating customer's dream pieces. Her designs are guided by a unique sense of balance and proportion.

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