The opportunity to celebrate Halloween in a creative way was too good to miss!
So, together with talented photographer Stef Kerswell, Annika Rutlin indulged in a dramatic & spooky photoshoot, with a little additional artistry courtesy of masks by Wintercroft.
So why is this an occasion for dressing up? The name Halloween originates from All Hallows Eve, the eve of the Western Christian feast. All-Hallows-Even was the night before All saints Day, or All Hallows Day. Originally celebrated in April the Church changed its date to coincide with the festival of Samhain in order to help in their efforts to convert the Celts to Catholicism.
Described as ‘the devils holiday’ by many Christians, the Celts believed that the mystic veil that separates the living from the dead opened on this day allowing evil spirits and demons to roam this world. Marking the Celtic New Year and the death of summer, this was one of the Druids most important ritual dates celebrating death and hell.
Celebrators would wear costumes in order to trick and confuse roaming evil spirits looking for bodies to possess.
Skulls and skeletons are a favourite theme at Halloween: The skull is a symbol used by many different cultures to represent either the brevity of human mortality, the fear of death, or danger that can result in death.
The Druids and the Celts believed that the skull was the “psychic seat” of the human soul.
Skulls and skeletons are associated with Halloween because they represent the end of the physical part of life, both because of the death of the “light” seasons and because of the perceived connection to the spirit realm.
The Devil (whose name Lucifer means "light-bearer") was created by God as one of Heavens most beautiful angels. A fallen angel, Satan fell because of pride, desiring to be God himself rather than a servant of God.
The cross is a powerful symbol of belief in God and therefore considered the ultimate shield for protection against evil. What better time to adorn yourself with this powerful symbol?
Silver does actually possess medicinal powers and antimicrobial properties. In modern day practices silver is used in wound dressings, creams, and as an antibiotic coating on medical devices.....sounds like Annika Rutlin's jewellery is good for your body and soul this Halloween!
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