Allure; to attract or tempt by something flattering or desirable; to fascinate; charm.
Every 4 to 8 weeks this wonderful treasury dedicates a portion of its front window to a selected jeweller who has previously exhibited at Pyramid Gallery. With a relationship spanning over a decade and a half, Annika Rutlin is thrilled to once again be featured as the "Allure Jeweller" for this season.
Whilst Annika's ranges include jewellery for both sexes, the Pyramid Gallery have chosen to focus mainly on her men's collections this year. Few jewellers provide work of the robust quality and attractive nature that appeal to men who have moved beyond the old traditional confines of signet rings and curb chains.
Annika's work reflects modern styles and a new found comfort zone amongst men to express their own identity, whether it be through mixed leather and silver bracelets or more talismanic jewellery such as the Saracen Collection with it's inscriptions for strength and protection.
One of England's oldest municipalities, the historic walled city of York is steeped in history, with many worthy museums and sites explaining its two millennia of existence, including the amazing Jorvik viking centre (Jórvík ; Old Norse for York)......we recommend that you make a full day or even a weekend of it.
Don't miss your chance to see this wonderful exhibition:
The Pyramid Gallery, 43 Stonegate, York YO1 8AW
Date: 30th September - 1st December 2017
York too far away? Then check out Annika Rutlin's website to locate your nearest stockist.